loss and unconditional love
Yun Qi Wong
a while back, we lost someone beloved to a vicious bout of cancer. it happened all too fast, in the space of a mere few months.
sometimes, I still forget you are gone. i walk in certain places and look around in expectation for you, or pick up the phone to text you and then it hits me again without warning.
reading this helped me, before you were gone and we knew the end was nearing. it helped in the days after. as with so many friends who hugged and simply let me cry.
so yes, you might no longer be with us. but the love never dies.
the memories - I hope - will never fade: your quiet strength; the way you smile; us making inside jokes out of the situation you were in; your fascination with light bulbs, good audio equipment, flowers and anything gadgety ;)
I saw how deep and unconditional love can be - despite all the messy and complicated feelings that come with it. to have and experience that is humbling, and to be surrounded by that is truly a gift. And I am reminded again of how lucky I am to have a family like this.